Medical Deployment Services, Logo - Altoona, PA

2775 East Pleasant Valley Blvd,

Suite 1

Altoona, PA 16601

Phone Icon (814) 201-2305

Hugging Family

You’ve looked us over and the next step is up to you.
Please review the following information. When you complete the application form, just press SEND and it will come directly to me. Once I review it, I will call you so we can discuss any additional questions you may have.


This office does not accept insurance for physician services. If you have prescription coverage and need pre-authorization, we will complete that for you at no charge.

We give our patients as much time as they need so concerns can be discussed and guidance can be provided. Treatment needs to be a multifaceted approach. There is more to recovery than just providing medication.  Accepting insurance would burden me and take time away from you. I am trained to take care of patients and not deal with the whims of insurance companies. 

Our fee schedule is as follows:

1st visit: $300.00  
Expect to be with us for 1+ hours. You will be need to read and sign forms that outline your obligations as a patient. A drug test will be performed, a physical examination will be conducted. Counseling and guidance as well as a question and answer session will be conducted.  You will leave with a prescription for the medication. I urge you to bring your parents, spouse, partner or friend with you. We have plenty of room. 

2nd visit: No Charge for your first follow up

This visit will be scheduled 2 weeks after the 1st visit. We will discuss your experience and discuss any issues or concerns that you have. A urine drug test will be performed

3rd and all subsequent visits: $100.00

We will spend as much time as you require having your questions answered and troubleshooting any difficulties you may be having. Urine drug testing is included at no additional cost. Frequency of follow up visits vary with each participants need.



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